Applications & Publications

Technical Notes (9)
Publications (46)

Technical Notes

Large Particle Flow Cytometry Allows High Quality Isolation of Viable Cardiomyocytes and Other Myocytes (QTN-028)

April 22, 2020

Comparison of Total Fluorescence in Cell Clusters versus Fluorescence of the Individual Cells in the Cluster (QTN-025)

February 16, 2017

Method for Analysis and Sorting of Live Adipocytes (QTN-022)

December 15, 2014

Analysis and sorting of human neurospheres based on size and optical density measurements (QTN-016)

December 01, 2011

The purpose of this experiment was to test the feasibility of using the COPAS PLUS instrument (Union Biometrica, Inc.) to analyze and sort human neurospheres based on size and optical density measurements and to determine the influence on viability and proliferation of the neurospheres post-sorting compared to manual sorting.

An Overview of COPAS™ Large Particle Flow Cytometry for the Analysis and Sorting of Large Cells and Cell Clusters including Stem Cells, Embryoid Bodies and Cardiomyocytes (QTN-013)

Automated Sorting of Adult Stem Cells and Mouse Embryonic Bodies (QTN-011)

Use of the instrument for analysis and sorting of individual and clusters of adult stem cells and embryoid bodies, based on both size and fluorescence intensity properties. (QTN-011)

Analysis and sorting of Stem Cell Clusters and Adipocytes

Automated Analysis and Dispensing of Human Stem Cell Clusters and Adipocytes.

Use of the COPAS Select for the analysis and sorting of two different human cell samples: individual stem cell clusters (EBs) and human adipocytes. Cell aggregates and individual cells were accurately dispensed and visually inspected for structural integrity.

Automated analysis and sorting of human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPS) clusters using large particle flow cytometry. (QTN-018)

The purpose of this experiment was to test the feasibility of using the COPAS PLUS HTS instrument (Union Biometrica, Inc.) to analyze and sort intact human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPS) clusters based on their size, optical density and fluorescent properties.

Automated Analysis and Sorting of Cardiomyocyte Stem Cell Clusters (QTN-001)

Use of the COPAS Select for the analysis and sorting of individual embryoid bodies (EBs) from cultured samples. Stem cell aggregates were accurately dispensed into multi-well plates and visually inspected for viability. (QTN-001)


Trajectory reconstruction identifies dysregulation of perinatal maturation programs in pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes

Kannan et al.
April 25, 2023
PMID: 37014753 PMCID: PMC10545814 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112330

Cell Cluster Sorting in Automated Differentiation of Patient-specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Towards Blood Cells

Ma et al.
May 17, 2022
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 17 May 2022 |

Single-Cell Sorting of Non-human Primate Adipocytes with Large-particle Flow Cytometry

Robino et al.
November 04, 2021
Current Protocols,1, e271. doi: 10.1002/cpz1.271

New method of FACS analyzing and sorting of intact whole ovarian fragments (COPAS) after long time (24 h) cooling to 5 degrees C before cryopreservation

Wang et al.
December 27, 2020
Cell Tissue Bank.

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Adipocyte Piezo1 Mediates Obesogenic Adipogenesis Through the FGF1/FGFR1 Signaling Pathway in Mice

ShengPeng Wang et al.
May 08, 2020
Nat Commun. 11(1):2303. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16026-w.

Transcriptomic entropy quantifies cardiomyocyte maturation at single cell level

Kannan et al.
April 03, 2020
PMID: 34534204 PMCID: PMC8448341 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009305

PGC1/PPAR Drive Cardiomyocyte Maturation through Regulation of Yap1 and SF3B2

Murphy et al.
February 07, 2020
bioRxiv preprint: doi:

Proteogenomic single cell analysis of skeletal muscle myocytes.

Fomchenko et al.
January 24, 2020
bioRxiv preprint: doi:

Activation of invariant natural killer T cells stimulates adipose tissue remodeling via adipocyte death and birth in obesity

Park et al.
December 01, 2019
Genes Dev. December 1, 2019 33: 1657-1672; Published in Advance November 14, 2019, doi:10.1101/gad.329557.119

Large Particle Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting Enables High-Quality Single-Cell RNA Sequencing and Functional Analysis of Adult Cardiomyocytes

Kannan et al.
August 15, 2019
PMID: 31415233 PMCID: PMC6699769 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.119.315493

Automation for analysis and handling of cell clusters, tumor spheres and organoid bodies

Pulak et al.
February 03, 2018

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Deciphering Cell Intrinsic Properties: A Key Issue for Robust Organoid Production

Picollet-D’hahan et al.
September 17, 2017
Trends in Biotechnology. 2017 Nov;35(11):1035-1048. doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2017.08.003. Epub 2017 Sep 17.

Endothelin-1 mediates natriuresis but not polyuria during vitamin D-induced acute hypercalcaemia

Tokonami et al.
March 27, 2017
First published: 23 March 2017, DOI: 10.1113/JP273610

Fluid shear stress increases transepithelial transport of Ca2+ in ciliated distal convoluted and connecting tubule cells

Mohammed et al.
January 18, 2017
Published online before print January 18, 2017, doi: 10.1096/fj.201600687RRR, May 2017, The FASEB Journal vol. 31 no. 5 1796-1806

A 3D Toolbox to Enhance Physiological Relevance of Human Tissue Models

Picollet-D’hahan et al.
August 04, 2016
Trends in Biotechnology. 2016 Sep;34(9):757-769. doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2016.06.012. Epub 2016 Aug 4.

Urinary ß-galactosidase stimulates Ca2+ transport by stabilizing TRPV5 at the plasma membrane

Leunissen et al
January 07, 2016
Glycobiology, Volume 26, Issue 5, 1 May 2016, Pages 472–481, , Published: 07 January 2016

Controlled 3D culture in Matrigel microbeads to analyze clonal acinar development

Dolega et al.
June 01, 2015
Biomaterials. 2015 Jun;52:347-57. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.02.042. Epub 2015 Mar 3.

Protein Phosphatase 1 Inhibitor-1 Deficiency Reduces Phosphorylation of Renal NaCl Cotransporter and Causes Arterial Hypotension.

Nicolas Picard,*† Katja Trompf,* Chao-Ling Yang,‡ R. Lance Miller,§ Monique Carrel,*Dominique Loffing-Cueni,* Robert A. Fenton,|| David H. Ellison,‡ and Johannes Loffing*
April 01, 2014
J Am Soc Nephrol 25: 511-522, 2014. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2012121202
*Institute of Anatomy, University of Zurch, Zurich, Switzerland †Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Unit 970, Université Paris-Descartes, Paris, France; ‡Department of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon; §National Heart Lung Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; and || Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus, University, Aarhus, Denmark

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ISSCR 2013
Wanek, Paul¹, Smet, Francis², Haupt, Simone³, Peitz, Michael³, Bongaarts, Rico², Oliver Brüstle³, Pulak, Rock4, Zenke, Martin¹
June 13, 2013

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Flow-based pipeline for systematic modulation and analysis of 3D tumor microenvironments.

Li CY, Wood DK, Huang JH, Bhatia SN.
Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United States.
April 23, 2013
Lab Chip. 2013 Apr 23;13(10):1969-78. doi: 10.1039/c3lc41300d. Epub 2013 Apr 5.


Markadieu N, San-Cristobal P, Nair A, Lenssen E, Tudpor K, van Zeeland F, Bindels RJ, Hoenderop JG.
July 03, 2012
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2012 Jul 3.

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Automated analysis and sorting of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem cells (HIPS) clusters using large particle Flow Cytometry

ISSCR 2012
Wanek, Paul², Smet, Francis¹, Peitz, Michael³, Bongaarts, Rico¹, Pulak, Rock4, Zenke, Martin²
June 14, 2012

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Automated neurosphere sorting and plating by the COPAS large particle sorter is a suitable method for high-throughput 3D in vitro applications

ISSCR 2012
Gassmann K.², Smet F.¹, Baumann J.², Giersiefer S.², Schreiber T.², Schuwald J.², R.Bongaarts², Fritsche E.²
June 14, 2012

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Automated neurosphere sorting and plating by the COPAS large particle sorter is a suitable method for high-throughput 3D in vitro applications

Gassmann K, Baumann J, Giersiefer S, Schuwald J, Schreiber T, Merk HF, Fritsche E.
May 02, 2012; Toxicology in Vitro Volume 26, Issue 6, September 2012, Pages 993–1000

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Functional assessment of automatically sorted pancreatic islets using large particle flow cytometry.

Steffen A, Ludwig B, Krautz C, Bornstein S, Solimena M.
September 01, 2011
Islets. 2011 Sep 1;3(5):267-70. Epub 2011 Sep 1.

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Microbial encapsulation in monodisperse hydrogel microspheres enables fast and sensitive phenotypic analyses using flow cytometers

Lidia Delgado¹, Gloria Jurado², Gema Galayo², Elena Ogalla², Lourdes Moreno³, Juan C Rodríguez-Aguilera4, Ángel Cebolla5, Carolina Sousa³, María Flores² and Sebastián Chávez¹
February 28, 2011
Conference Presentation at: La Société Française de Microbiologie et l’Association Française de Cytométrie
1) Department of Genetics, Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain. 2) Ingeniatrics Tecnologías SL, Spain. 3) Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain. 4) Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain. 5) Biomedal SL, Spain

{gamma}-Adducin Stimulates the Thiazide-sensitive NaCl Cotransporter.

Dimke H, San-Cristobal P, de Graaf M, Lenders JW, Deinum J, Hoenderop JG, Bindels RJ.
December 16, 2010
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Dec 16.

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[SA-PO2763] y-Adducin Functions as a Novel Regulator of the Thiazide-Sensitive NaCl-Cotransporter

Renal Week 2010
Henrik Dimke, Pedro San Cristobal, Mark J. J. De Graaf, Jacob (Jaap) Deinum, Jacques W. M. Lenders, Joost G. Hoenderop, Rene J. Bindels.
November 20, 2010

[F-PO1585] Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT) Specific Transcripts Identified Using DCT Large Scale Sampling

Renal Week 2010
Nicolas Picard, R. Lance Miller, Johannes Loffing
November 19, 2010

Transgenic Mice: Beyond the Knockout.

Miller RL.
November 10, 2010
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2010 Nov 10.

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Serum-free scaled up expansion and differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells to osteoblasts in suspension bioreactors.

Alfred R, Gareau T, Krawetz R, Rancourt D, Kallos MS.
August 01, 2010
Biotechnol Bioeng. 2010 Aug 1;106(5):829-40.

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Tissue engineered tumor models

M Ingram, GB Techy, BR Ward, SA Imam, R Atkinson, H Ho, CR Taylor
August 01, 2010
Biotechnic & Histochemistry, August 2010, Vol. 85, No. 4 : Pages 213-229

Reduction of diffusion barriers in isolated rat islets improves survival, but not insulin secretion or transplantation outcome

S Janette Williams,¹ Han-Hung Huang,¹ Karen Kover,³ Wayne Moore,³ Cory Berkland,² Milind Singh,² Irina V Smirnova,¹ Ronal MacGregor,4 and Lisa Stehno-Bittel¹
April 01, 2010
Organogenesis. 2010 Apr–Jun; 6(2): 115–124.

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Primary DCT Cell Culture Using Large Scale DCT Sampling from Mouse Kidneys

Katja Trompf,1 Nicolas Picard,1 Titia Woudenberg,2 Lance Miller,3 Rene J. Bindels,2 Hoenderop Joost,2 Johannes Loffing.1
November 06, 2009
Poster session: J Am Soc Nephrol 20: 2009 ; F-P01162

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Novel method for high-throughput colony PCR screening in nanoliter-reactors

Marcel Walser¹, Rene Pellaux¹, Andreas Meyer¹, Matthias Bechtold¹, Herve Vanderschuren², Richard Reinhardt³, Joseph Magyar4, Sven Panke¹ and Martin Held¹,*
February 26, 2009
Nucl. Acids Res. (2009) 37 (8): e57/1-e57/8

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Differentiation of COPAS-sorted non-endocrine pancreatic cells into insulin-positive cells in the mouse.

Kikugawa R, Katsuta H, Akashi T, Yatoh S, Weir GC, Sharma A, Bonner-Weir S
January 30, 2009
Diabetologia. 2009 Jan 30. [Epub ahead of print: DOI 10.1007/s00125-009-1260-8]

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Impact of Islet Size on Graft Function

28th Workshop of the AIDPIT Study Group;  3rd European Diabetes Technology and Transplantation Meeting (EuDTT) – 2009, January 25-27
Lisa Stehno-Bittel, PhD.
January 25, 2009

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Large Scale Sampling of Renal Distal Convoluted Tubules (DCT) by Complex Object Parametric Analysis and Sorting (COPAS)

Renal Week 2008: American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Annual Meeting, November 04 - 09, 2008; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nicolas Picard* , Hannah Monyer, Beat Schwaller, R. Lance Miller, Johannes Loffing
November 04, 2008

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Acute antibody-mediated complement activation mediates lysis of pancreatic islets cells and may cause tissue loss in clinical islet transplantation.

Tjernberg J, Ekdahl KN, Lambris JD, Korsgren O, Nilsson B.
April 27, 2008
Transplantation. 2008 Apr 27;85(8):1193-9.

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American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology, Automated Method for the Isolation of Collecting Ducts

R. Lance Miller1, Ping Zhang1, Tong Chen2, Andreas Rohrwasser2, and Raoul D. Nelson1*
February 07, 2006

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Validation of Large Particle Flow Cytometry for the Analysis and Sorting of Intact Pancreatic Islets.

Fernandez, Luis A.1; Hatch, Eric W.1; Armann, Barbara2; Odorico, Jon S.1; Hullett, Debra A.1; Sollinger, Hans W.1; Hanson, Matthew S.1
September 27, 2005
Transplantation. 80(6):729-737, September 27, 2005.

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Multicellular Cytometric Analyses and Sorting on Stem Cell Clusters and Embryonic Stem Cell Clusters (Poster)

3rd Annual ISSCR Meeting 2005, June 23 - 25
Tak Hung, Ph.D.1, Szczepan Baran, V.M.D.2, Carol Ware, Ph.D.2, Rock Pulak, Ph.D.1
June 23, 2005

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Large Particle Flow Cytometry as a New Automated Method of Islet Yield Determination (Poster PS-031)

International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association (IPITA) 2005 Meeting, May 4-7, 2005
M. S. Hanson1, E. W. Hatch1, B. Armann1, D. A. Hullett1, J. S. Odorico1, H. W. Sollinger1, L. A. Fernandez1
May 04, 2005

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Rapid and Sensitive Assessment of Human Islet Viability by Multiparameter Flow Cytometry on Intact and Dissociated Islets (Platform Session OP-139)

International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association (IPITA) 2005 Meeting, May 4-7, 2005
M. S. Hanson1, B. Armann1, E. W. Hatch1, D. A. Hullett1, J. S. Odorico1, H. W. Sollinger1, L. A. Fernandez1
May 04, 2005

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Flow cytometry for isolation and optical analysis of embryoid bodies from cultured mouse embryonic stem cells.

2nd Annual International Society of Stem Cell Researchers Meeting, June 10-13, 2004
Dr. H. Bohlen1, Dr. S Schwengberg1, R. Bongaarts2, Dr. R. Pulak3
June 10, 2004

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Automated fluorescence-activated collecting duct isolation for genomics and proteomics # 913.1.

Experimental Biology 2005, April 2 - 6, 2005
R. Lance Miller, Ping Zhang, Raoul D. Nelson.

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