Our Technology
Zebrafish Imaging
Union Biometrica continues to develop new tools for model organism research. As a member of the zebrafish research community, we introduced this novel instrument platform for imaging zebrafish in early 2013. Based on technology from the Yanik Lab at MIT, the Vertebrate Automated Screening Technology (VAST), allows even the most demanding zebrafish handling and imaging tasks for automating high-throughput and high-content screens. This platform is designed for zebrafish researchers who are interested in imaging of large numbers of 2–7 day old zebrafish larvae.
Fully-automated orientation of zebrafish larvae
Reproduced from: Lab Chip, 2012, 12 711-716, Tsung-Yao Chang, Carlos Pardo-Martin, Amin Allalou, Carolina Wählby and Mehmet Fatih Yanik
VAST BioImager – Whole Zebrafish Imaging and Positioning
The VAST BioImager system is for zebrafish researchers who are interested in high-resolution imaging of large numbers of 2-7 day old zebrafish larvae. The VAST BioImager automates the most demanding zebrafish handling, positioning, and orientation tasks. Using pattern recognition algorithms, a zebrafish larvae can be automatically loaded and positioned in both the desired lateral and angular orientations. This system can be mounted on upright microscopes to allow organ-level and cellular-resolution imaging tasks for high-throughput, high-content screens.
VAST FluoroImager – Automated Zebrafish Imaging with Fluorescence
The VAST FluoroImager system is for zebrafish researchers who are interested in brightfield and fluorescent imaging of large numbers of 2-7 day old zebrafish larvae. The VAST FluoroImager captures of 10-micron resolution, whole-fish, brightfield and fluorescent images in an automated and autonomous method. The VAST FluoroImager can generate multi-channel Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) datasets for 3D morphological analysis. Zebrafish larvae can be automatically loaded and positioned in both the desired lateral and angular orientations. This system can be mounted on a microscope to allow higher-magnification imaging tasks.